EXcel 2010 - view entire page [page 2 of 30] while working on it

Discussion in 'Software' started by sharpconnect, Jul 12, 2011.

  1. sharpconnect

    sharpconnect Private E-2

    I have an Excel 2010 worksheet that I need to compare information on between one large and one medium width columns. Problem is, I cannot view both columns at once. How can I shrink the page in my view so I can see both columns at once?
    Editing in one depends on information in the other column....see my dilema?
  2. tgell

    tgell Major Geek Extraordinaire

  3. sharpconnect

    sharpconnect Private E-2

    OK. I understand what you are saying.But

    what I was trying to say is the 2 columns I need to view together are too wide for the monitor screen...so I am trying to find a way to reduce the size so I can read both while I edit them [page break preview is too small - can't read the info in the cells].
  4. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    Highlight and paste just the two columns you want to work on into sheet 31. Change the formatting on sheet 31 to a tinier font size. Can you see both columns now?
    Do your comparing and editing then increase the font again and paste the results back into sheet 2.

    If on the other hand, both columns are still not viewable, the best solution might be to print out one of the columns and use the printer copy to compare with the other column onscreen.
  5. sharpconnect

    sharpconnect Private E-2

    Ok. I had already thought of putting them in a separate file and reducing the font. Thanks anyway. I was tryng to figure out is there was a way I could reduce the page like you can in adobe .pdf files. Guess I was hoping for too much.

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