.exe Has Stopped Working Error

Discussion in 'Software' started by muradw2, Mar 28, 2012.

  1. muradw2

    muradw2 Private E-2

    Hey all,
    This ".exe has stopped working" error is freaking me out!
    I have several programs that gives me this error:
    Windows7 USB/DVD Tool
    Lucid Virtux
    I have Windows 7 Ultimate x64, is it because I have x64?
    Please reply.
  2. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    To repair broken EXE file associations, download the correct registry fix to match the verson of Windows you are running by click the appropriate blue link below.

    1. You can use Right-click and Save as ( or Save Target As ) option in your browser to download the patch.
    2. Save the patch file directly to your Desktop folder.
    3. Right-click the REG file and choose Merge. Alternately, you can open the Registry Editor and then using the Import option from the File menu, to merge the REG file contents.
    4. Note that you need to be an administrator to apply these fixes.
  3. muradw2

    muradw2 Private E-2

    I tried that, but still nothing.
  4. muradw2

    muradw2 Private E-2

    Meh... Worst forum ever!

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