External Hard Drive just stopped

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by JohnC58, Nov 1, 2008.

  1. JohnC58

    JohnC58 Private E-2

    Hi - First time posting here. In a bit of a panic... Here goes.
    I run xp pro sp3 on my main office system and a IBM laptop.
    I've used until this morning, a WD 1200Boo7, WD FireWire/USB 2.0 lighted combo. I used it for data backup, music library and general data storage.
    THis morning I opened the music folder on it and couldn't get 'The Who' to play. My system proceeded to lock up. I rebooted and then the drive didn't show up in My Computer. I snooped in the Hardware section, USB Controllers, and found the yellow asterics next to USB Mass storage device. I opened it and see under device status the following-

    This device cannot start. (Code 10)

    The hard drive lights up when plugged in but I can't feel and spinning vibrations.
    Any options.
    I would like to sure recover the date before throwing it away!!

    Thanks in advanc efor any help.

  2. hegemon875

    hegemon875 Private First Class

    Well Im not sure how to fix what might be a corrupted USB driver but in the meantime you could try using a firewire instead since those drivers might be working.
  3. JohnC58

    JohnC58 Private E-2

    I didn't mention that the WD drive behaves the same way when I plug it into my laptop. All using a USB cable
  4. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    Remove and reinstall the USB controllers.
  5. JohnC58

    JohnC58 Private E-2

    First let me say thanks for the thoughts.
    I followed the delete & reinstall options and no changes. The drive just wouldn't spin
    About an hour later as I was sitting researching NAS options, the WD drive just started spinning - it was quite obvious and a bit noise at first. I proceeded to open it and transfer all the data that I could; Looks like I lost approx 10 megs of job photos out of a total of 110 megs of mixed data.
    And it's spinning fine now, quietly.
    I think I escaped a near disaster.
    As far as the inaccessible data, the file names are there but no photos.

    Any options for recovering these files?

    I think it's time to retire the WD.

    Also what do folks like for comparing and synchronizing folders.
    I'm in a situation where I might have 50 to 100 1+ meg photos in a folder and I keeep adding to the folder over the course of a month.
    I'd like to be able to back up the photo folder daily and copy just the new items. I'm thinking some form of folder synchronization or amI on the wrong tract. I'd like not to use a backup application that forces me to run it to review the backup folder (I had Nero)

  6. prometheos

    prometheos Staff Sergeant

    There is SyncToy, a free Microsoft download. You can find it here.

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