Extra RAM or Faster CPU?

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by swalsh19, Oct 13, 2007.


Which would I see the most benefit from?

Poll closed Oct 27, 2007.
  1. Adding another Gig of Ram?

  2. Upgrading the CPU to the x2-6000?

  1. swalsh19

    swalsh19 Private First Class

    Ok, I would like a poll here.

    What would be more beneficial to an XP-MCE machine. I was going to build a AMD x2-5200 w. 1Gig DDR800 RAM.

    I have enough that I could either add another piece of RAM or upgrade the CPU to the x2-6000.

    Which wpuld I gain the most performance from?
  2. shanemail

    shanemail Fold On

    probably depends what you use it for

    For gaming I would go the extra RAM, thats what i voted for
    some games I have put total system RAM usage at over 1GB

    might find this handy
  3. swalsh19

    swalsh19 Private First Class

    I play World of Warcraft mainly... I do some Videowork as well...
  4. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    More ram.
  5. ibbonkers

    ibbonkers First Sergeant

    definately ram especially if you multi task. Neither processor is a slouch by any means
  6. BCGray

    BCGray Guest

    More RAM mainly because CPU prices drop much faster than most RAM chips do, and you get the usage of it from the start, then if you chose to drop in a faster CPU you still have the RAM.

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