FAMOUS ACER t180 downgrade to Xp vga problem

Discussion in 'Software' started by i3AyZ, Oct 12, 2008.

  1. i3AyZ

    i3AyZ Private E-2

    I bought an Acer t180 ASpire Pc that came with Vista. I downgraded to Xp. and i had a hard time finding the Vga driver for windows xp. I found it. but when i install the driver. I get an INF ERROR msg saying that it cant find the adapter. its like its not seeing the vga on the motherboard.

    what do i do? please help =)
  2. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

    Go to Add/Remove Programs and uninstall the current video driver. Restart the PC. Download your chipset driver from this link and install it, rebooting the PC when prompted to. Then install the video driver; you can download it from this link and restart the PC when the install has finished.
    Be sure to post again and let us know how it goes! Good luck!

  3. i3AyZ

    i3AyZ Private E-2

    ive downloaded the files you linked. but im not sure how i unistall my current video driver.. im pretty sure there is none installed for the vga output on the motherboard. im using a pci slot vga card at the moment.

    and also ... when i go to my hardware listing under devices...there is no vga listed.. only the one on the pci slot.. so its like the motherboards vga output that the computer came with is not even there
  4. i3AyZ

    i3AyZ Private E-2

    okay.. i tried what you said...

    i get the same error messages... this is what they say.

    first i get a error message saying: "INF ERROR adapter not found"

    then i get right after that a error message saying: "Setup was unable to complete the installation. Try to setup your display adapter with a standard VGA driver before running setup."
  5. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

    In your first post, you said nothing about using a PCI video card and the drivers I linked to are for the built-in video. If you're using a video card, we need to know the make and model of the card. It would also be VERY helpful if you could tell us exactly what is listed the device manager under 'Display Adapters' and if there's any yellow question marks ? or red X's or exclamation points ! we need to know what is listed with those. If you don't know the make and model of video card, run Everest and post the report as an attachment:
    (above instructions originally posted by MG member 'musksnipe'.... Thanks Muskie!)
  6. i3AyZ

    i3AyZ Private E-2

    well i fixed the problem. and i feel dumb. =)

    what happen was. when i first got my computer it had windows vista. but i wanted xp. but before i installed xp. i called best buy ( where i bought the computer) becuase i noticed that i only had 728 mb of ram when it should have 1 g of ram. they told me that the vga output that came with the computer ( which is on the motherboard) takes up 200 or so ram because its a dual thingy or whatever.. and becuase i was using that computer for Pro Tools i decided to install xp then disable that vga output (with bios) and use a pci slot graphics card so i can use the xtra ram for my home recording software. then as time went on i decided that i wanted to also play world of warcraft but when i played with my pci slot vga output it couldnt handle the fps. so i said okay ill play on the the origional vga output. and i download the drivers but it kept erroring saying it couldnt find the output... long story short (lol) i remembered about the bios thing and fix my problem...

    thanks for your help .. i appreciate it.. ( thats basically why i wrote this long post) =)

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