Fast Defrag

Discussion in 'Software' started by Vlad the Impaler, Nov 27, 2003.

  1. Vlad the Impaler

    Vlad the Impaler F.K.A. Immaculate

    everytime I use Fast Defrag, it goes into my start up. I don't want Fast Defrag starting up when I reboot.. Is there any way to make it stop? I looked in all the options and I unchecked the box that loads at startup. But everytime I load the program, it makes an entry into my MSCONFIG. How do I stop this or is it no possible?... thanks.
  2. ReallyNeedHelp

    ReallyNeedHelp Private E-2

    iff there isnt an option in the program intself, like in the properties of it, then i dont really see a way to stop it

    you could also try cheacking the registry, maybe it has a key in there that maks it write itself in when u run it
  3. ReallyNeedHelp

    ReallyNeedHelp Private E-2

    wait a second, Vlad? did u ever play astrunest in a group called Mp Mafia? if so then hey man, its Dr. Piro, if not then sorry my mistake, lol
  4. Vlad the Impaler

    Vlad the Impaler F.K.A. Immaculate

    the only instrument I have ever played is my CD Player.
  5. ReallyNeedHelp

    ReallyNeedHelp Private E-2

    lol no astronest was an online game, but oh well, sorry my mistake, u use the same nickname
  6. Vlad the Impaler

    Vlad the Impaler F.K.A. Immaculate

    Re: I also utilize....

    I already have that box unchecked. However, everytime I open the program, it makes an entry into my MSCONFIG. I always manually delete it every time it goes in there. It's listed as "Fast Defrag" in my startup. If I delete it, and open up Fast Defrag, the entry comes back. Try it yourself and see...
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2003
  7. Vlad the Impaler

    Vlad the Impaler F.K.A. Immaculate

    Re: Re: Re: I also utilize....

    what is it doing putting an entry into my msconfig?
    here is the problem a little more detailed..
    I open fast defrag, and quit. Then I open MSCONFIG, and go to startup. There is a new entry that is BLANK but the box is checked and what it says next that is "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Currentversion"

    Now, if I open my Startup utility program that I use, it clearly says Fast Defrag as the name of the entry...

    can someone offer a good alternative program other than Fast Defrag?
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2003
  8. Vlad the Impaler

    Vlad the Impaler F.K.A. Immaculate

    Re: OK....

    I'm using Fast Defrag Standard...
    I am using a utility called Startup Control Panel.
    I do not only see it in the Startup Control Panel, but i see the entry in MSCONFIG also. I never tried to reboot after the entry was made into the Startup. I immediately deleted it.
    Well, I trashed Fast Defrag and I am now using "RAM Defrag XT" which works just as good.. I even tried uninstalling and reinstalleg Fast Defrag but the problem still happened.

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