Final Fantasy XI Problem

Discussion in 'Software' started by brayster, Jun 24, 2004.

  1. brayster

    brayster Private E-2

    I have successfully installed and updated Final Fantasy on my laptop. When I choose to play the game, the screen goes black and then returns me to the Final Fantasy XI main menu screen. Their FAQ section says that i need to make sure UDP ports 1024-65535 are not closed. I use a Linksys router and a Linksys wireless card. Can anyone explain to me how i can check to see if these ports are open or closed? I have been to the routers page ( in the web browser) and i can't figure out how to check if they are open or closed. All I see on the routers filters page for ports 0-65535 is "box" "~" "box", and the boxes have "0"'s in them. Also, how can I open them if they are in fact closed? Thanks for your help, it is very much appreciated.
  2. Omegamerc

    Omegamerc MajorGeek

    are you sure your video card is suported?
  3. brayster

    brayster Private E-2

    That is actually what i think the problem is. I currently have a Mobility Radeon 7500. I figured this was what the problem might be, so I went to
    Best Buy and Circuit City and they do not carry video cards for laptops. Also, because I have a Dell, I will have to send my laptop off to Dell to upgrade. Thanks for the help, later.
  4. Omegamerc

    Omegamerc MajorGeek

    no prob; 7500 isnt supported that i am aware of; i also have a dell laptop that the college gave me which is sweet its a D600 with a radeon 9000. only ditto is its 64mb but its not shared! (cool!)
  5. brayster

    brayster Private E-2

    Well, I just found out that Dell doesn't upgrade graphics cards for the Inspiron series. I guess I will have to buy the game for my ps2. Question for networking wizards: The router I use is about 100 feet from my ps2. Instead of using 100+ feet of cable to connect my ps2 to the internet, can I use access points to reach the ps2 in my room? If I can, will I need to use two of them (one for the main router and one in my room for the ps2)? Thanks again for the help.
  6. Omegamerc

    Omegamerc MajorGeek

    if you search theres a wireless extender (not sure how good it works) for the ps2 which connects 2 points @ about 100 or so ft. it retails around 40-50$ by nyko

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