Firefox 1.5 final is NOT released yet.

Discussion in 'Software' started by bugmenon, Nov 15, 2005.

  1. bugmenon

    bugmenon Guest <-This is NOT the 1.5 final release.

    The current reference release is still the Nov.7 Firefox 1.5 RC2 build. There are plans for a RC3 release as there were checkins after the Nov.7 Firefox 1.5 RC2 build.

    The Branch nightly builds have been labelled as Firefox 1.5 since Oct.19, but does not make the Oct.19 build a Firefox release or anything like that.

    When the actual 1.5 release is final, it will be posted at places like , the popular independent or one of the developers blogs at and

    or at as there is no /1.5/ yet.

    Just got a little annoyed since websites like Neowin jumped the gun.
  2. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    Its good for you, it build muscles. Try it.
  3. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    P.S Word is that this is the final code, thats why your seeing it posted.
  4. Bambo

    Bambo Private First Class

    Well you can say that for any daily release since weeks. But doesnt really matter as long as it is not official. And the word is it is not final code If you scroll down his page you can see he more or less hint RC2 could well become final code, unless... Ive also seen some Mozilla geeks saying final code would be shipped in few hours, last night. Like the one maintaining "Build" forum at Mozillazine, he should know but didnt. Why some went ahead and posted cause only few hours blah blah. Snowball effect.

    Most likely of little importance but depends who you are. Some will not read advice on possible problems with old profile/extentions and who knows may be an evil bug has yet to be discovered and people will blaim you for false advertising, heh.

    What will you call Firefox 1.5 RC3 when you put that on ;) Will probably be announced at today, seems to available on ftp-server.
  5. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    Yeah, we got caught in the snowball, our bad. It good code though, runs nice. My experience has been a final release follows what appears to be final within days.

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