Firefox 3: Java Problem

Discussion in 'Software' started by training4life, Sep 19, 2008.

  1. training4life

    training4life Sergeant

    I have a problem with my Firefox 3. Java won't work on it. But when I use Java in Internet Explorer, it works perfectly. What should I do?

    For my Firefox, here is the version: Version 3.0.1
    For my Sun Java, here is the version: Version 6 Update 10 (BETA)
    For my Internet Explorer, here is the version: Version 6.0.2900.2180

    All help will be appreciated! Thank you!
  2. ShelaghRoyale

    ShelaghRoyale Sergeant

    I also have firefox 3. Check your FireFox Browser option...go to tools, options, then click on Content tab... Java is there...enable it by putting a check in the box...hope it works for you.... :)
  3. training4life

    training4life Sergeant

    I'll try to reinstall the Java. As my browser, it is ENABLED. So most probably, reinstalling my Java will be the solution.
  4. training4life

    training4life Sergeant

    It still won't work. :( Even though I've reinstall Java (the latest version),my Java still won't work.
  5. training4life

    training4life Sergeant

    I'll try to do that. I'll just post what happen after.
  6. training4life

    training4life Sergeant

    I did a clean removal of Java and Firefox and reinstall both of it. My Java is working properly again! Thanks!
  7. training4life

    training4life Sergeant

    Java updated itself and I can't use Java again. Can anyone help?

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