Firefox Alerts

Discussion in 'Software' started by muskybob, Jul 3, 2004.

  1. muskybob

    muskybob Fish Tickler

    When I am surfing, I notice my Firefox browser getting slower and slower until eventually I get an Alert that says "The session has timed out. Unable to open **********.com." I have to shut down and reboot then everything is fine again for a while. Any idea what's causing this? I'm on dial-up, running WinXP Pro, 512mg RAM.
  2. mr_flea

    mr_flea First Sergeant

    I think that is a javascript alert. For the slowing down problem, it might be that memory leak that i saw in the buglist, but that might have been fixed in .9.

    as for that url you have there, you know that word is banned from here...or at least now you do
  3. muskybob

    muskybob Fish Tickler

    What url? I put stars in place of a real url as an example.
    Anything i can do about the alerts?
    I am using .9 by the way.
    Thanks fleabag. ;)

    PS: I'm running SptBot Teatimer also.
  4. da chicken

    da chicken MajorGeek

    0.9.0 had a lot of bugs. It was pushed out the door. 0.9.1 has been released which fixes a lot of problems. You can also try downloading one of the nightly builds, which will have the most bug fixes in it.
  5. DanTekGeek

    DanTekGeek Master Sergeant

    ive been having some problems as well, ill enter a url, press enter, and nothing will happen, ill have to do it 2 or 3 times. could just be the sites though, cause its allways the same sites.
  6. mr_flea

    mr_flea First Sergeant

    i thought it was the site that stole screenshots from here, but i counted the stars again and it wasn't. my mistake...

    *goes back to lurking*
  7. Maxwell

    Maxwell Folgers

    I have 0.9.1 and it seems to hang my computer, trashing a few files and directories in its cache. It also seems to be slow in starting up.

    How are "nightly builds" distinguished from the release? There appear to be no updates :confused:
  8. mr_flea

    mr_flea First Sergeant

    Nightly builds are the latest working version of firefox. or at least they think they work. They haven't been tested near as much as official releases, but are usually pretty stable.
  9. suesman

    suesman First Sergeant

    I'm running version .08+ & I'm not having any of these problems. It's fast as ever.
  10. muskybob

    muskybob Fish Tickler

    Hey x, I don't even know what VM is let alone delete it. How do I do that and Install Sun Java? I also run CCleaner and have Teatimer turned off. The version i'm running is .9.1 Any ideas? vive la talibong :D
  11. CaNoFzOo

    CaNoFzOo Sergeant Major

    A site stole screenshots from here? For what? Hmmmm

  12. muskybob

    muskybob Fish Tickler

    Hi kiddo, MG mentioned it in the lounge. You might "search" and get a handle on it.
  13. CaNoFzOo

    CaNoFzOo Sergeant Major

    I can't seem to find it... i'm not exactly sure what to search for. Awww man.
  14. muskybob

    muskybob Fish Tickler

    I just found my VM paging file is set at 768mg. I don't understand about deleting vm and installing Sun Java. Anybody?
  15. muskybob

    muskybob Fish Tickler

    Anyone know if 768 is too high or too low?
  16. da chicken

    da chicken MajorGeek

    Er, xflat's "VM" is "virtual machine". Specifically, the MS Java Virtual Machine which comes with versions of Windows prior to WinXP SP1.

    If your "VM paging file" is set to 768MB, then I suspect you mean "virtual memory paging file," which is wholly different and unrelated. Generally speaking, the VM paging file should be equal to 1.5 times your system RAM or 512 MB, whichever is less. However, most users should simply allow Windows to manage the size of the paging file.
  17. da chicken

    da chicken MajorGeek

    Development of FF is ongoing. Releases are made when a predetermined number of features have been implemented and all bugs targetted for that release have been fixed. Source code is submitted constantly for fixes to existing bugs, and the Mozilla FF server automatically compiles a built using a daily snapshot of the current state of the source code. These are known as nightly builds since they generally show up between midnight and 3 am on the servers.

    If you have a problem with FF, you can use the bleeding-edge version of the browser. Keep in mind, however, that as new features get added it's possible for the browser to become more buggy, and there are occassions when fixed bugs have reappeared (these are called regressions). Hence the term "bleeding edge". FF 0.9 was supposedly feature-complete, so between 0.9 and 1.0 (due by the end of summer) there will be a minimal number of new features to really break the browser.

    Link to forum discussing the most recent FF builds (including status of nightlies).
    Link to latest nightly 0.9.1 builds.
  18. muskybob

    muskybob Fish Tickler

    No I haven't yet, but I am going to as soon as you tell me how. :)

    Never mind, duh, I have to download CWShredder first. I'll be back.
  19. muskybob

    muskybob Fish Tickler

  20. muskybob

    muskybob Fish Tickler

    No, I run all my maint. programs once a week & run update checks about 3 times a week on each.

    Nice avatar by the way.
  21. muskybob

    muskybob Fish Tickler

    Set CC to run on start up. All the other stuff I have always done. Like you say, it could be my server that's messed up. Thanks for the help.

    Do you still run Reg Supreme?

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