Flash Player Not Working In Windows 10

Discussion in 'Software' started by Lanceosh, Jan 11, 2016.

  1. Lanceosh

    Lanceosh Private E-2

    I've tried everything to get Flash Player working in Windows 10 Edge and nothing happens even tho it says it is activated. Help. (It works when using Firefox and IE)
  2. MaxTurner

    MaxTurner Banned

  3. Lanceosh

    Lanceosh Private E-2

    Yep it says it is activated. As I said earlier I have followed various instruction from both Adobe and Microsoft but nothing...
  4. MaxTurner

    MaxTurner Banned

    Sorry I can't think of anything else. On my Windows 10 with the correct settings it works fine. It is important though to ensure that via Windows Update it shows the latest Adobe Flash Player for MS-based applications.
    When people say 'I've tried everything' it doesn't say what that means and frequently people don't realise it doesn't actually inform a helper, so that was why I referred you to the adobe help page.
  5. DOA

    DOA MG's Loki

    Check your versions, the 32 bit and 64 bit versions do not play well together.
    I only use the 32 bit firefox on our win 10 test machines for this exact reason. Our .swf files will not play or have control issues when offline in a 64 bit browser.

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