flickering annoying

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by feberj, Dec 29, 2004.

  1. feberj

    feberj Private E-2

    I recently bought a GeForce FX 5700 le (agp) graphics card. I've noticed that when I scroll down web pages or even windows explorer there's an annoying flickering. The flickering doesn't exist in games. I notice that when I decrease the refresh rate it gets worse. My highest refresh rate is 75hz, isn't that high enough to avoid flickering? Surely this graphics card should be able to handle a web page? Any ideas.

    mobo: gigabyte GA-8SIML
    cpu: P4 1.5 (o/c to 1.7g)
    hdd: 40gb ibm deskstar
    memory: 256mb pc2700 @ 336mhz
    os: windows 2000 pro
    sound: creative 5.1 player
    video: 5700 le (4*agp)
    tv card: wintv 2000
    1*cd-dvd rom
    modem: Voyager 105 adsl
    psu: 400w
  2. Turcoloco

    Turcoloco MajorGeek

    ~ IMO, problem lies within one or more of these components:

    Monitor: ?
    memory: 256mb pc2700 @ 336mhz
    os: windows 2000 pro (video card driver[video: 5700 le] and/or tv card [tv card: wintv 2000] driver conflict)
    Like 4 years back, I had a problem using my video card using NVidia Detonator drivers when watching TV using the Pinnacle TV tuner card (its drivers would get jacked) so I could not use NVidia's drivers. So using a certain video card drivers and TV Tuner card could cause, screen flickering or even other similar problems not saying this is the cause though. Check both drivers, manufacturer site's for possible updates/patches and known issues in that regards.

    No info on monitor but wanted to mention that you should not set your monitor at a refresh rate of anything under 75Hz, higher the better but make sure BOTH the video card and the monitor supports the refresh rate, color depth and the resolution you set your display at, check on these settings.

    Also, are you using a special mouse/trackball to do the scrolling? And did you install its own software/drivers?
  3. feberj

    feberj Private E-2

    Thanks for all the info. I'll check out your suggestions. The monitor is a Philips 15" LCD max res 1024*768@75hz.
    I'm also worried that all this stuff may be pushing my 400w psu to the limit, could this be an issue? Anyway i'll disable any unused ports just in case.
    One thing I should've mentioned is that I installed coolbits via the registry. I pressed the optimize frequency button which set then tested it at 325 clock, 490 ram, default being 250/400. I didn't apply this change and reset it back to default. Could this have damaged the card?
  4. Turcoloco

    Turcoloco MajorGeek

    Oh yeah, when using Coolbits (which I use it too), only use it when you need the extra juice, like gaming but more importantly make sure that you do NOT check the box where it say "Apply these settings at startup". Always keep the tweaks per session only. If you use the "Detect Optimal Frequences" option, I noticed it could drop the refresh rate back to 60Hz (at least in XP).
    Use manual overclocking and do not exceed 5-10% of the default speed to be safe.
    Also the display settings could be a bit too much for the 15" monitor (even without the coolbits tweaks). ;)
  5. feberj

    feberj Private E-2

    Well I tried everything, can't find any conflicts, I updated the drivers for my TV card though. Disabled all unused ports. Re-installed directx 9.0c. Could my lack of memory be an issue. After starting up I only have around 60-70mb free memory.

    Tried every kind of colour, res, refresh rate combo, still there. Uninstalled the driver for the graphics card and it was still flickering at 800*600 16 colours. If there’s a black background on a web page it’s really really bad.

    The default for 2d setting is 225/400 instead of 250/400 for 3d, would upping this a bit help. BTW apparently this card has good overclocking potential as it’s basically an underclocked 5700 ultra, the core speed can be doubled believe or not.

    Maybe it's a monitor problem but it doesn't flicker in 3d.
    Ah well guess i'll have to put up with it until it slowly drives me insane.
  6. Turcoloco

    Turcoloco MajorGeek

    (I am tired of saying this but) sorry for the late reply....since your problem is not a constant flickering, we could rule out the possibility of some sort of a magnetic field disturbing the monitor (like unshielded speakers, TV, radio, etc.)
    Since only the 3D mode is causing is (which I have not hear before personally), I would have to assume a problem with:
    ~ device drivers
    ~ application in use
    ~ unsupported display settings

    LE version of the NVidia chipsets are basically the exact opposite of the overclocked versions...o/c a hw component even a little could always cause problems. You have to keep one factor in mind, another person o/c the the same exact card on another system, using proper BIOS voltage settings, different and possibly better PSU, CPU, mobo and RAM would yield different results so it is not just the video card....

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