Folder wont stay deleted :(

Discussion in 'Software' started by Trueflame, Dec 11, 2005.

  1. Trueflame

    Trueflame Private E-2

    I'm having some trouble with a folder that wont stay deleted on my desktop. I created it as a central location to store music I was going to burn, so naturally, when I was done, I deleted it. I thought it was fine until much to my surprise, I saw the folder, now empty, had come back, and continued to come back no matter how much I deleted it. I don't believe this is spyware/virus related, however it is an annoyance.

    Things I've done to try to remove the folder include:
    1)Repeated deletings (after a few minutes, it returns to the desktop)
    2)Moved the folder to another location and deleted (returns to desktop)
    3)Moved folder to a floppy and formatted the disk (returns to desktop)
    4)Scanned with Ad-Aware, Spybot, and Hijack-This with no unusual results (I can post HT log)
    5)Cleared system restore (I'm trying anything now)
    6)Checked Desktop key in registry for anyrhing unusual (nothing that I can see)
    7)Made sure the file wasn't read only:eek:

    Does anyone have any ideas on what's happening?

    Windows XP Home SP2
    2.0GHz P4
  2. Insomniac

    Insomniac Billy Ray Cyrus #1 Fan

    The parent program is recreating it.

    Does it reappear in Safe Mode?

    Do you know if any applications are linked to it?
  3. Trueflame

    Trueflame Private E-2

    1) You mentioned it was created by a parent program. No other program created this. I made it straight off the desktop as a central location to store my files.

    2) I have deleted the folder in safe mode, and it appears to be staying away this time. I will post again tomorrow to make sure it reamains gone after a few boots.

    3) No, this folder is not made by, or linked to any program.
  4. Insomniac

    Insomniac Billy Ray Cyrus #1 Fan

    Something must be linked to and creating it. There's really no other way it can appear.

    Anyway, hopefully it won't come back.

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