Freeware bootable file browser?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Rikky, Aug 26, 2010.

  1. Rikky

    Rikky Wile E. Coyote - One of a kind

    I'd like to know what software you use or have used to access corrupt hard drives,ideally something I can burn to ' CDROM ' then browse the files on the hardrive.

  2. Caliban

    Caliban I don't need no steenkin' title!

    Hey, Rikky...

    I'm a firm believer in Linux Mint - it's never failed me, and I've been able to salvage thousands of files by using live disks...

    There's some concern that Mint 8 & 9 are not supporting some SATA drives, but I know for a fact that Mint 7 "Gloria" will discover virtually anything you throw at it...
  3. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

    Personally, I like the UBCD4Win. You burn it to a CD, and it boots to Windows-like environment complete with virus tools, file management tools, you can even burn CDs and DVDs of your data (you'll need 2 drives; one for the UBCD4Win, and a burner to send your data to). I couldn't get through a day of work w/o it. It's priceless. The how-to-build-the-UBCD4Win guide can be found here.

    (BTW - UBCD4Win stands for "Ultimate Boot CD 4or Windows"; it's similar to a Linux live OS, but it's based on Windows making it a much more familiar environment for most people )
  4. Rikky

    Rikky Wile E. Coyote - One of a kind

    Haven't tried this before,simply burned the ISO to a CDROM works a treat though thanks!:)

    I've used UBC before DLB but not that version,I'll download it and give it a whirl thanks:)

    Cheers both of you:cool

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