Freeware for removal of malware?

Discussion in 'Malware Help - MG (A Specialist Will Reply)' started by Janette, May 12, 2006.

  1. Janette

    Janette Private E-2

    The laptop I bought used is loaded with malware, registry loopholes and strange stuff. AVG and Ad-Aware helped, but Spybot really shouldn't be on this site as freeware. It won't remove the malware it finds unless you enter a key (from where?) and so was a waste of time. Not free. I wonder what other freeware to use on this beast I bought. Any suggestions?
  2. chaslang

    chaslang MajorGeeks Admin - Master Malware Expert Staff Member

    This is absolutely not true. Spybot is totally free and does not require any keys.
  3. Janette

    Janette Private E-2

    All I can say to you is to download it yourself fresh, but then you can't try it (unless there are registry vulnerabilitites that Spybot detects on your system and then you can ask it to go ahead and tell Spybot to correct them.) That 's all I did: downloaded it, ran it, and clicked for those detections to be removed. Spybot replied by asking me for a code - a key. If I'm doing something wrong, that you tell me the program is still free, I'd sure like to know. But, for your information, there are frequently free scans on the internet that then refuse to clear the detected problem unless you buy. (Pretty cagey.) Spybot didn't ask me to buy - it just asked for the key. In the past, Spybot never asked me for a key to correct what it found wrong. I'd click to correct the problem and it did that. I may just wipe out the hard drive and start fresh - without someone else's problems. If it's free, why ask for a code?
  4. chaslang

    chaslang MajorGeeks Admin - Master Malware Expert Staff Member

    I have downloaded Spybot on multiple PCs lately and have run scans. It does not ask me for a key code. Also, many hundreds of people in this forum are using it every week and no one is complaining about it asking them for a key.

    What version of Spybot do you have and what is the date of of the last Detections update?

    Also are you sure it is installed properly. Perhaps you should uninstall it, reboot, re-download it from our link, and then re-install it, update it, and then run it. If you still get a message post the exact word for word message you receive.
    Last edited: May 13, 2006

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