Fresh Start and Getting Drivers for Win7

Discussion in 'Software' started by matt72yard, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. matt72yard

    matt72yard Private E-2

    I bought an HP desktop a few months ago. It is pretty good, but filled with bloatware. So I formatted the C drive, installed Win7, and started clean.

    I have only installed a few drivers for my system from:
    and relied on Windows Update to do the heavy lifting.

    I got put off becuase at that HP link, there are over 20 drivers/software installs, and that seems ridiculous. I just installed the LAN driver and Graphics card driver, and then let Windows sort it out. If I noticed a "!" in Device Manager, I sought out that specific driver from the link, but this happened only twice.

    Is this a good policy or am I likely missing some stuff I need, but just not aware of it?

  2. mdonah

    mdonah Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Window Vista and 7 are very good at installing device drivers IMHO.

    I have a Dell Precision M70 that originally came with XP Pro. I've installed Vista Ultimate and the only device driver I had to "manually" install was for my Sigmatel C Major audio and my XP driver for it works fine. Vista even downloaded and installed the required drivers and software for my Lexmark Inkjet and HP Laserjet printers.
  3. matt72yard

    matt72yard Private E-2

    Cool, sounds like you think my approach is sound. Thanks!
  4. falconattack

    falconattack Command Sergeant Major

    Hi my friend , welcome to MG's :major

    Is there any ? in Device Manager ( Start - Run devmgmt.msc - ok ) ? :wave
  5. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    Download Driver Booster. Note that computer manufacturers stop updating usually about a year after a computer is released, On that page, I see drivers from 2012 that I know have been updated at least a few times.

    Downloading drivers from HP will leave you with old drivers and take a while to get them all manually.

    Drivers are almost always simply the SAME driver the hardware manufacturer provides and by the time HP and others get them, they are often already old.
  6. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

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