From The Past: (Celeron 366) Into The Future

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by mercury, Sep 8, 2004.

  1. mercury

    mercury Private E-2

    I need some insight from the collected wisdom.

    Via some recycling, a hand-me-down has landed on my bench -
    a Celeron 366, SL36C, Malaysia, 1999, week 20.

    By the grapevine, I heard this is one of the most stable overclockers around. So, my questions are: is this true? And, what would be the best MoBo to run it in? Also, is it reasonable to overclock dual processors? If so, could try to find a mate for this SL36C?

    Thanks for any good, experienced advice.
  2. mercury

    mercury Private E-2

    Found some answers to my own questions.
    Searched eBay for ABIT dual processor Celeron.
    Found the right critter, maybe.
    Searched GOOGLE for the critter.
    Found a very ontarget article:
    Looks like the BP6 is very overclockable and is specifically made for dual Celerons w/L2 Caches - the good Celerons.
    The ATX dual processor MoBo will fit right into my box.
    Off and running here.
    Would still be glad to have any insights from those familiar with this or a similar setup.

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