Generating funds for a web page

Discussion in 'Software' started by Wandaful, Aug 20, 2006.

  1. Wandaful

    Wandaful Private E-2

    G'day guys

    I wasn't sure where to post this so sorry if it's not in the right place....

    Just a quick question:
    What are some good ways to generate some funds for a fan club site??
    This would be non profit of course, but just to cover some costs of a "booklet" newsletter, rather than an online one... which fans want, but it costs..
    There are about 800 subscribers at this particular fan site but we don't want to ask for money outright...

    Any ideas??

    One person suggested charging people a small amount to link to their own web pages in the forum, but I don't like that idea......... I would personally just take my own link off rather than pay

  2. Toni_1947

    Toni_1947 Command Sergeant Major

    You could offer them the option of getting the "booklet" newsletter for the actual cost. (including the cost for payment method) No profit.
    If they want it, they'll be willing to pay a fair price...if won't be out anything.
    You may be able to setup a 'Pay Pal' option.

    Look into it. :)
  3. Wandaful

    Wandaful Private E-2

    Thanks Toni

    That's a great idea. I will run it past the forum.........


    ps. I LOVE your tortoise shell cat.............

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