Gmail Mail Fetcher - Whoops!

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by DoryDee, Jun 10, 2010.

  1. DoryDee

    DoryDee Private E-2

    Hi! Ohh please help me. I did something stupid.

    I was trying to import a contact list from another local email system on to gmail, and accidentally I set up mail fetcher. So here's the problem! All of the messages from that other email system have been moved to gmail and I need to send them back. Can you please suggest to me how I should them back?! Is there a way that I can save the messages and then load them back on to her computer? Is forwarding them back the best option? Her system doesn't seem to have a PoP Import/Exporter.....

    I so appreciate your help!

    :cry (P.S. This is my new boss's email system that I just emptied).. GOOD GOD!
  2. itmortiz

    itmortiz Corporal

    I can't understand very well your problem.

    But im guessing you did something in Gmail account and sent all e-mails to each other?

    Please specify a bit because my english isn't so good or your description of the problem isn't good.
  3. DoryDee

    DoryDee Private E-2

    Haha! I thought I was pretty clear.

    Gmail has a "MAIL FETCHER" system that I accidentally set up with another person's account on another email provider. So all that mail in their inbox, came over in to the GMAIL inbox. When I tried to take all of that mail and send it back to its rightful home, I couldn't. Here's my problem.
  4. itmortiz

    itmortiz Corporal

    Ok, read this from google community:

    Tell us if solved you problem.

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