Google Chrome User Question

Discussion in 'Software' started by theremotedr, Jan 19, 2017.

  1. theremotedr

    theremotedr Master Sergeant

    I have received many emails from a customer and one of the had a photo & excel doc attached.
    I having an issue finding this email.

    I am having to select the email then scroll down to the bottom of it to see the attached items.

    Is there a quicker way so when i select an email im then seeing the attachments without scrolling to the bottom EVERY time.

  2. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    Hit the end button on the keyboard to go to the end of the email.
  3. theremotedr

    theremotedr Master Sergeant

    That didnt work.

    I sent an email to myself with an image attached.
    I receive the email no problem.
    I press END and yep there is the image.
    I then reply to the email from my email but when i receive it and press end nothing is there.

    This is what i am facing with emails from me to him then him to me etc
  4. MaxTurner

    MaxTurner Banned

    The issue is not in your browser. It is your settings in your email account whoever that is with. You have to amend settings for when forwarding etc as to whether it includes original attachments or not.
    baklogic likes this.
  5. theremotedr

    theremotedr Master Sergeant

    Now changed thanks very much

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