Grey squares in place of images in e-mail

Discussion in 'Software' started by Oooops!, Dec 30, 2006.

  1. Oooops!

    Oooops! MajorGeek


    Am requesting your help on behalf of a friend of mine. Here's her letter.......

    "When I forward pictures to his computer.....he just gets gray you know why that happens? I can send him pictures from my computer, but I can't forward him pictures that came from someone else....was trying to forward those ones you sent earlier..."the pictures say 1000 words" and he just gets gray squares....."

    Thanks for any suggestions you may have.
  2. theefool

    theefool Geekified

    Either it is an antivirus program blocking images, or it is outlook express, outlook, or another program that is blocking sent images/attachments. We need to know what email program it is.
  3. Oooops!

    Oooops! MajorGeek

    Hi! Sorry, at the time of posting, I didn't know what program they used, but I do now.

    The person having trouble viewing images uses Hotmail. The girl that was trying to send him stuff from her computer to his, has Outlook Express. Both are running XP.

    I have suggested her to check out the following to see if that helps.....

    Open Outlook Express
    Click on Tools
    Click on Options
    Click on the Security tab
    Make sure there is no checkmark beside.... "Do not allow attachments to be saved or opened that could potentionally be a virus"
    Click on Apply
    Click on Ok

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