Guidance with DVD software required

Discussion in 'Software' started by fredelliot, Sep 26, 2006.

  1. fredelliot

    fredelliot Private E-2

    ok heres the deal ive got a pretty full hard drive and i want to put a load of my movies etc onto DVDs, they are in all kinds of formats. Whats the best and easiest software there is for creating DVDs from various types of format ?
  2. Mada_Milty

    Mada_Milty MajorGeek

    I'd have to say Nero is my favourite for data DVDs. Very simple interface, just create a data dvd project, drop your files in the destination box, and click burn. Seems to be the most reliable software, with the least bloat. Roxio does a comparable job, but is much more of a resource hog. A trial version should be enough to get your system backed up.
  3. fredelliot

    fredelliot Private E-2

    great stuff, i already have nero... i just didnt know how to use it
  4. thisisu

    thisisu Malware Consultant

    for any .AVI file, i use WinAVI to convert it into KVCD (.mpg) and then I use Nero to burn the .mpg as VideoCD (VCD)
  5. fredelliot

    fredelliot Private E-2

    its taking over 3 hours to burn a dvd with 2 hours of video on it , is that right ? is there a quicker way to do it ?

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