Haha! I Did It!

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by tat2d12000, Jul 15, 2006.

  1. tat2d12000

    tat2d12000 Private First Class

    :) i got my hd and os installed. cox security suite went in seamless, and i'm back online with a simple clean system. i still got a lot to do. can u guys give me some direction as far as what to do first. the os and security are done. now what? driver? printer and scanner stuff? let me know . i'm just so happy, no more ME ever...:)
  2. Bold Eagle

    Bold Eagle MajorGeek

    Well while it is still clean (non-bloated and no nasties) and you have it just the way you want it now would be a good time to make a back-up "Image". This will restore it to that exact point if anything goes wrong in the future.
  3. Insomniac

    Insomniac Billy Ray Cyrus #1 Fan

    Once the operating system is installed, make sure you have at least all the Service Packs and critical patches applied, then install the latest motherboard and video card drivers.

    For security, check out our MalWare Removal forum.

    Once that's all done and the system is stable, then install your peripheral equipment like printers and cameras etc.
  4. Jerkyking

    Jerkyking Sergeant Major

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