Half lofe 2 demo freezing

Discussion in 'Software' started by splitt3r, Jan 7, 2006.

  1. splitt3r

    splitt3r You are now the victim of a drive by title change

    My Hl2 demo froze up for some reason, it was on level 6, where the zombie is being electrocuted. The only thing I have overclocked is my gpu 570/1100

    lol, I screwed up the title, guess I can't edit that.
  2. splitt3r

    splitt3r You are now the victim of a drive by title change

    I just added my specs to my signature
  3. Wyatt_Earp

    Wyatt_Earp MajorGeek

    I've heard on other forums that HL2 does not play well with overclocked cards... Have you tried setting it back to normal speeds?
  4. viper_boy403

    viper_boy403 MajorGeek

    You have a 6600gt so why o'c it anyway, for hl2 at least. I can run it full, no aa or as tho, with a 5200 :) and 512 RAM
  5. splitt3r

    splitt3r You are now the victim of a drive by title change

    it runs quake 4 better when it is OCed and it never gets hotter than 75C that is why I overclocked it:)
  6. ACE 256

    ACE 256 MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Overclocking Expe

    HL2 couldent care less how far you overclock your videocard..... youl just get realy bad artifacts.....what its sinsitive to is CPU and FSB overclocking .....the havoc physics engine is vary intolerant to any calculation errors.....prolly should have been clearer in the other thread.....Splitt3r is soudnds like a scripting error to me but iv never known a scripting error to crash or hang a system things normaly just get realy weard......
  7. Wyatt_Earp

    Wyatt_Earp MajorGeek

    Regardless... I would set it back to normal speeds so that you can rule it out as a possibility. It really is just normal troubleshooting... Process of elimination.
  8. splitt3r

    splitt3r You are now the victim of a drive by title change

    I can try that, but it doesn;t ahppen right away, it happened after like 30 minutes of play time at a completely random point, and I am not seeing any artifacts after my OC
  9. Wyatt_Earp

    Wyatt_Earp MajorGeek

    Yeah, but overclocking anything can cause instability. Whether or not it happens right away is irrelevant.

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