Hard Drive = Thrashed. HELP!

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by ejszyper, Aug 5, 2009.

  1. ejszyper

    ejszyper Private E-2

    My Hard Drive has stopped working. Just quit. One day Windows just didn't load. Unfortunately my data is trapped, my backu[p drive had issues just a few weeks earlier and I STUPIDLY had not replaced it yet. Dumb. Now my main drive is dead.

    Windows says there is a drive read error and wont boot. So I found a thread on the Inter-web that said to try loading a trail version of Linux from a Disc and using that OS to ferry my files to a safe location. But the drive just keeps freezing the entire process up. When Linux tries to load it goes through a bunch of disc checking with a lot of lines that say "drdy err", "media error", "UNC", "Buffer I/O error" and "Logical Block". All this keeps even Xubuntu from loading and eventually leaves me with a blank screen.

    The Windows I was running was XP Pro, the Linux I tried was Xubuntu and the hard drive is an 80 GB Western Digital.

    I can only assume the main file directory is corrupted or unreadable. Is there any way to get in there and retrieve my IMPORTANT files? And yes, once again, I am definitely a dumb *** for letting this happen.

  2. NightFirer

    NightFirer Private First Class

    Oh boy I feel your pain on that one.. have you tried a repairing Windows XP from the original disc itself?
  3. Drizzles

    Drizzles First Sergeant

    hmmmm ... that might help

    Also, if that doesn't press R when prompted to get to the Command Console and type;


    chkdsk /r

    The last command will take a bit, once it's complete, take not of where it says Bad Sectors and post back here, also try booting to Windows again.

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