Heat, Custom Casing...tons of questions...

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by gamefreak863, Jun 26, 2007.

  1. gamefreak863

    gamefreak863 Private First Class

    I've been thinking about this crazy desgin scheme...(idk where to put this...its not really modding category...for the fact I need to know answers to things about what I need to be careful of when it comes to hardware)

    ok, lets say I wanted to design my own computer case and build a custom computer that was pretty unique..

    I was googling...and couldn't really find a solid answer..

    what is worse for dispersing heat..

    or metal?

    like...not in terms of cpu cooling or anything..

    but if I made a case out of metal...
    or a case out of wood...which one would be hotter?..

    you also have to take into consideration that with a wood case, I can make it as big as I would like...and throw in alot of fans.

    I've been putting alot of thought into this idea...and I think it would be pretty awesome.
  2. gamefreak863

    gamefreak863 Private First Class

    theres some pros and cons I can think of with this..


    +can be built as big as I need....

    +if I can build it bigger, I can have more space to work with for a custom watercooling setup later..

    + wood would also be a more suitable building material simply because its easy to change.

    +I can more easily add 5+ fans to this computer to cool it off if needed.

    +I can give the case a pretty cool, unique custom paintjob

    +possibility of it floating in case it was dropped in a pool (haha..idk)


    -I don't know how much heat I will actually end up having to deal with...

    - will most likely be alot heavier than plastic/metal cases

    - slightly more difficult to show off lighting effects and whatnot
  3. gamefreak863

    gamefreak863 Private First Class

    additionally, what would be some big issues I would need to watch out for?
  4. gamefreak863

    gamefreak863 Private First Class

    well, can anyone give me any suggestions or anything?
  5. hopperdave2000

    hopperdave2000 MajorGeek

    I know that working with wood would be a WHOLE lot easier unless you happen to have access to a metal shop, complete with presses and forming benches (for bending the sheet metal into the desired shape), etc. I saw an article on the 'net a while back (on ZDNet if I remember) where a guy built his own case from plywood. They had photos of each step, a parts list, a tools list, the whole deal. It actually turned out pretty slick. If I remember, he had a 120mm fan in front down low, another 120mm up high in the back, 2 80mm on the side access panel, and 2 80mm fans on top about 6 inches apart. He mounted the PSU in a non-standard location and one of 120mm fans was where the PSU would be in a standard ATX case.... I'll try to find the link for you and I'll post it if I do find it. In the meantime, you could probably poke around at zdnet.com and see of you can find it. I think they require free registration w/ an email address....

  6. gamefreak863

    gamefreak863 Private First Class

    thanks, I'll try that as soon as I get done Googleing a few other things.

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