Help! DSL Test speed plummeted!

Discussion in 'Software' started by S0mE0nEsMiNd, Sep 2, 2003.

  1. S0mE0nEsMiNd

    S0mE0nEsMiNd Private E-2

    I've been noticing a bit of laggyness, and i do a speed test on, and my speed plummeted from 1.5 mbit to .585 mbit! any ideas of how to detect a problem, or ANYTHING?
  2. S0mE0nEsMiNd

    S0mE0nEsMiNd Private E-2

    my speeds are now about the speed of dial up....i cant believe this BS..if no one here can give me any ideas as of what to do, im cancalinng my DSL, and ordering roadrunner tommorow....
  3. G.T.

    G.T. R.I.P February 4, 2007. You will be missed.

    First, call your ISP's tech support, or check their support section on their website for notices of trouble and/or routine maintenance that may be screwing things up. If it's that, it's probably temporary.

    Have you been monkeying with any settings, or did this just come out of the blue? If the latter, your ISP is likely having problems.

    I assume your telephone is clear on that line; if telephone is extremely noisy or won't work, it may be a problem in the phone line itself. Maybe some neighbor nicked a cable with a shovel, not quite breaking it, but lousing it up.
  4. S0mE0nEsMiNd

    S0mE0nEsMiNd Private E-2

    i think its a setting that was messed with....perhaps i should use system restore? Yea, Ill probably try that...because this is wierd...i open download accelerator, tell it tdownload something, and it gets up to about 100+ kb, and DURING THAT TIME, I can browse the web pretty fast, but if thedownload isnt running, the web will go INCREDIBLY slow....Ill try system restore, unless you have some better ideas
  5. S0mE0nEsMiNd

    S0mE0nEsMiNd Private E-2

    allright....NOW im PISSED! I go to system restore...try a place....restarts....says it was unable to like...ummm mkay....I choose another one...same thing....I choose another...same thing....goes on a couple more times....possibly on my side, but im also convinced its not because everyone on my wireless network isnt getting anything either
  6. G.T.

    G.T. R.I.P February 4, 2007. You will be missed.

    Check your ISP. BellSouth is partially crippled right now due to scheduled maintenance/hardware upgrades. And their site says so. If it's more than just your box, it's likely at your ISP's end, is likely temporary. Check with your ISP before pulling your hair out.

    If you have been tweaking your network settings, did you save or write down the original settings? If you used a network setting tweak application, did it store original settings for later correction if necessary? If you muck up your settings, you need to know where you started from... just in case...

    But again, if it's more than just YOUR computer, it's likely at the ISP's end. It happens. Check there first.
  7. Vlad902

    Vlad902 Guest

    You running or a router or what are you running? I reboot my Cable modem every week and it keeps performance high... Then again it's really low quality :rolleyes:
  8. da chicken

    da chicken MajorGeek

    Hm. Check traffic logs. Around here, there's a wireless network. Download speeds are fine (just like your situation), but any kind of browsing traffic is useless (slower than dial-up... about 100 bytes/sec). The hosts get bombarded by SMB traffic and from 169.254.x.x hosts screaming for DHCP. It's an unadministered netowrk, and it got so bad I finally pulled the wireless NIC from my machine altogether.

    My firewall (Sygate Pro) was blocking 1000+ packets a day from SMB (TCP/UDP ports 137 and 138). At certain times it was talking 10% of my processor (XP 2000+).
  9. S0mE0nEsMiNd

    S0mE0nEsMiNd Private E-2

    wow da_chicken where do you live :D

    anyhow, DSL SEEMS to be fixed, however, there is still the system restore issue, like i said, it reboots, and then it says it was unable to restore it, with no reason what-so-ever. any ideas?
  10. jujet84

    jujet84 Master Sergeant

    Sure but first of all what's your OS?
  11. S0mE0nEsMiNd

    S0mE0nEsMiNd Private E-2

    Xp-and i thought ONLY xp had system restore?

    EDIT: XP Pro
  12. jujet84

    jujet84 Master Sergeant

    Do you have system restore turned on?
  13. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    Windows Me does as well.
  14. S0mE0nEsMiNd

    S0mE0nEsMiNd Private E-2

    yes, infact i used it last week

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