Help in selecting a beginner webpage editor

Discussion in 'Software' started by BlackCat, Jul 19, 2004.

  1. BlackCat

    BlackCat Private E-2

    I am interested in starting up a webpage. I am only a beginner in HTML, I know the very basics, and so I aim for my webpage to be aesthetic, but not super fancy.

    I'd like some opinions on what some good webpage editors are (such as FrontPage). Free ones would be good but I can also afford 100$ and down.

    The webpage will contain no more than pictures and words.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2004
  2. NeoNemesis

    NeoNemesis Moutharrhea

    I would use the FREE web editor AceHTML which can be found here:

    It comes with an editor, and a built on previewer so you can see what you have made before you launch and save it. And for beginners it comes with tutorials and free code snidbits so that you can use the code (such as buttons, menus etc) and customize it and learn the syntax for each part of the code. The best way to learn a new language is by example. That is how I have learned every language I know.
  3. BlackCat

    BlackCat Private E-2

    Thank you.

    Forgot to mention, I'm also looking for a great free or cheap web hosting service if anyone knows of one.
  4. NeoNemesis

    NeoNemesis Moutharrhea

  5. da chicken

    da chicken MajorGeek

    There's no such thing as a "great free web host". I use Surpass Hosting for hosting and GoDaddy for domain registration. Costs me ~$50 for a year.

    I use Araneae for HTML coding when I do it, but it's pretty much Notepad with extra features. Try THIS thread.
  6. NeoNemesis

    NeoNemesis Moutharrhea

    Yes but for a good Free HTML editing program for beginners I would go with ACE HTML since it has the code examples. And a built in previewer.
  7. BlackCat

    BlackCat Private E-2

    I'm aware of this, I meant the best available considering it's free.

    Thanks for the suggestions.
  8. goldfish

    goldfish Lt. Sushi.DC

    The best free hosting you're likley to get is to have a server on your connection with IIS installed, and running it yourself. A lot more hassle, but definatley worth it (you have total control over your server). You can do this quite easily if you have an XP Pro machine left on 24/7 and a broadband connection.

    All these free web hosts are unreliable, slow, insecure, restrictive and show up loads of ads usually which screw up your content more often than not.
  9. NeoNemesis

    NeoNemesis Moutharrhea

    Yeah, not a lot you can do with free hosting. Often times the server space is extremely small (like 20mb).
  10. goldfish

    goldfish Lt. Sushi.DC

    Well, size isnt everything. put it like this, ive got 5 full websites running, and it takes up about 90MB of space.
  11. NeoNemesis

    NeoNemesis Moutharrhea

    Yeah i guess you are right, and if hes only going to be putting text and pictures on it. But it will come with a ton of Ads no matter where you go.
  12. BlackCat

    BlackCat Private E-2

    Yeah, and I'm on 48k (56k modem), haha. No way I could run a server.

    I ferverently searched the free hosts but all were pretty crappy in the end (had one decent one and then I published my home page and BAM, an entire line of additional ads on the webpage they hadn't mentioned before) at Bravenet.

    So I decided to get a pay for one- I'm not sure how good Nitro Zone is, but they seem to be a very good service. Their Starter plan is $1.50 a month with 100 MB storage, 4 GB traffic allowance per month, and it seems to have a lot of features. Domains cost $15 without a locking service. I'm just not sure if I can upload my webpages directly from my web editor (uses .HTM format) to my domain. I think I can.
  13. NeoNemesis

    NeoNemesis Moutharrhea

    That is a pretty good deal. You'll have to tell us all your domain name so we can check it out when you are done. :)
  14. BlackCat

    BlackCat Private E-2

    Definitely. :)

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