Help! Invisible virus I cant remove/prevent!

Discussion in 'Malware Help - MG (A Specialist Will Reply)' started by ministe2003, Nov 8, 2006.

  1. ministe2003

    ministe2003 Private E-2

    OK, so I live in Student Accomodation and am on a network which allows me to access the Net.

    for a few weeks now, i've been getting regular popups off Norton alerting me that it has found and removed an infected file. The name of the virus is:


    When I went home for a weekend, I took my PC and didnt get any of these popups, yet as soon as I went back to Uni I started getting them again.
    So it would seem that this Virus is getting to my computer through the Network, yet I dont know anyone else who is on this network that gets these popups.

    My HijackThis log is clean, Spybot finds nothing, Northon finds nothing when I do a system scan, yet I keep getting these popups. I've googled and found manual removal instructions that tell me to remove certain files and registry entries, but none of them are on my system, so I am totally confused :s


  2. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Seems as if with this virus its your Uni network thats infestated as that virus affects or moves around via these methods

    arrives im email with various titles and body text.
    uses mIRC to spread
    uses network shares and mapped drives to spread.

    most likely via the bit I highlighted in bold, your network admin will need contacting, so they can scan for this in any and all drives that are shared.

    At least now you know its not your PC at fault.

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