Help me find a good multiple desktop software.

Discussion in 'Software' started by polymorpher, May 9, 2011.

  1. polymorpher

    polymorpher Private E-2

    Need Multiple active desktops on a single host - At least one for local user, one for remote desktop user. (the remote part might be dealt with team viewer separately) Its important to have at least 2 separate desktops that can support simultaneous separate input on each.


    I want one physical machine to be used as a virtual desktop by one guy with a remote desktop connection browse,transfer files back and forward and edit an image with photoshop (with the host's machine installed photoshop).

    A second guy to use the same machine while sitting on it using various software for typography.

    All of them using the same OS base and installs on it - just having separate mouse,keyboard controls for a separate visual workspace/"desktop".

    (I am aware of the typical usage limitations such a setup would Impose - for instance both or more users can't use some files and applications that don't allow multiple instances at the same time).

    But the machine I've got has enough juice to service 5 people's mundane needs while their machines/laptops are old and can barely work a 5 years old photoshop.

    The standard Virtual Machine / separate os / separate installs is out of the question. I have allot of licensed software on the host and I occasionally need to use all of it. Everything is gathered in 1 place and its better for remote access it than have one thing installed here 1 there.

    So any suggestions? I tried searching but there isn't exactly a term for that.
    And most things I've seen fail at supporting multiple inputs or separate work areas.
  2. polymorpher

    polymorpher Private E-2

    XP sp3 if that helps any but i doubt it.
  3. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

    So your looking at serving applications to multiple users from one box. There is no "remote desktop" to do this. Your looking at a server with thin clients or a terminal services app like Citrix XenApp
  4. polymorpher

    polymorpher Private E-2

    Good to know somebody figured that out ... I knew its out there. I haven't heard of it.

    Most virtual desktops create separate desktops. Its just someone need to figure to bring multiple outputs.

    Team viewer - the VNC can share a single window and remote control it. They only need to figure to let a separate control for each person maybe so long as they are not controlling the same thing.
    Last edited: May 10, 2011

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