help me xp cd burner with no gaps

Discussion in 'Software' started by pokerface, Nov 26, 2004.

  1. pokerface

    pokerface Private E-2

    I have a xp operating system and i want to find a good cd burner that can take the gaps or even shorten them in cds before burning them.
    I have got the media player and also a windows media player and i know that doesn't support a time gap changer.
    so i found a thing called cd burner xp which does have a time gap changer.
    So i tried it out and when it got to the tick box to tick for the time change bit.
    it came up that my cd burner isn`t compatible with the time changer programme.
    my player burner is a hL-dt-st cdrw gce-843b.
    so please can some one let me know where to download a burner thats not a trial one and is a free one that can burn cds and
    you can alter the gap space on cds so the tracks blend in to each other.
    if anybody can let me know by e mail at
  2. mcadam

    mcadam Major Amnesia

    try using audacity if you want to blend them and then burn it as one big track, forgotten the site for it, but will keep posted!

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