help needed: changing network settings

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by azsteve, Jan 12, 2007.

  1. azsteve

    azsteve Private E-2

    Okay guys,

    I'm going to need some expert advice and since this forum has yet to fail me, I chose to come here first.

    I don't know anything about networks or how they work. I am a little familiar with pc's and feel I can navigate okay. I'm no pro, but I get by.

    My girlfriend asked me to come to her work and fix an old workhorse of a computer. The computer used to be the main computer and is the "home" computer on the network. The problem is that it's old and need to head to retirement but before I can send it there I would like help in setting up the newer computer to the "home" computer and designating the old computer as a random, non-imprtant computer on the network.

    To sum up: her work added a computer to the office and assigned it as a random computer on the network. Something like "work3." What they should have done is assign it as the "home" computer and assign the old "home" to "work3." How easy/hard is it to change the designation? If I change the names of the computers on the network will the other computers then be able to read or boot from the new "home" computer? Do I need to change the IP address as well?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    ps- please be gentle
  2. cat5e

    cat5e MajorGeek

    Change the name there is nothing to worry about.

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