Help recovering document!

Discussion in 'Software' started by bigfurrykid, Apr 13, 2005.

  1. bigfurrykid

    bigfurrykid Sergeant

    Hello, long time no visit! My daughter was in the middle of a college paper and the power went out.
    We have Windows XP and are using Microsoft Works word processor.
    Needless to say, she didn't have a chance to save the new changes to the document.
    Is there any way to recover it, or is it completely lost?
  2. Matacumbie

    Matacumbie Rocky Top

    Has she opened the Microsoft Works word processor since it happened?

  3. bigfurrykid

    bigfurrykid Sergeant

    Yes and the original document is still there, but the changes were not saved!
    Thanks for the response!
  4. st.cronin

    st.cronin Private E-2

    Is there an answer to this question?

    I know it's an old thread but I have a similiar issue... my laptop froze up 1/2 hour after my last save on a microsoft works word processor document ... if there is any way to recover the file, it would save me a lot of work.

    Thanks in advance!
  5. Aurelius

    Aurelius Private First Class

    Word creates a temporary file for the document you are currently working with. Sometimes this *.tmp file remains in one of the temporary folders (e.g. Windows\Temp) or in the folder where you save your documents.
    Try searching for *.tmp files on the specified date.
    Good luck!

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