HELP! STRANGE fonts in Outlook Express- Virus???

Discussion in 'Software' started by Ginanatl, May 8, 2004.

  1. Ginanatl

    Ginanatl Specialist

    Hi Fellow Geeks,

    I am leaving town to visit my family for the weekend in a few hours, but I wanted to post this first as if I wait until I get back I may forget...

    I was using Outlook Express 6 a few minutes ago and when I changed the font on an email I was typing, I noticed some STRANGE font names, fonts that I do not remember being in Outlook Express or any other program. I switched to the "verdana" font to type my email and below the verdana font in my Outlook Express are 4 strange fonts I have never seen! The names of these fonts are: viroutpu0, viroutpu1, viroutpu2, and viroutpu4. (Google searches bring up NOTHING for these font names.)

    Has anyone ever heard of these fonts?? Could one of you who use Outlook Express 6 please check to see if you have them? I've never heard of a virus getting into an email font but my anti virus software has removed several viruses lately... This is really freaking me out!

    My heartfelt thanks in advance to anyone who can help,

    Last edited: May 8, 2004
  2. highly_volatile

    highly_volatile Private First Class

    Hi Gina, sorry to hear of your problem . i've just checked in my OE and i don't have them
  3. Ginanatl

    Ginanatl Specialist

    Thanks for answering, hv. Also, when my DSL ethernet connects after restart there is a strange process (rasautou.exe) in my task manager. My puter is acting strange too... I am running AVG now and will run Nod32, all of my anti trojan apps, my spyware apps, and connect with PC-Cillin House Call and Bit Defender's online scans (as many as I have time to do before I leave.)

    If this is a virus/trojan or nasty and none of my programs can kill it I will have to reformat. Does anyone have advice on whether it would be safe to just turn my computer off for 2 days and reformat when I get back on Monday morning?


    EDIT: Zone Alarm lists a "rasauto.dlll" in Program Control Components as a "Remote Access AutoDial Manager." Could this be a component of my ISP (Bellsouth FastAccess) or a trojan?? (If anyone knows right away that's great. I'm investigating further...) I really don't have time to have a computer problem right now! :(
    Last edited: May 8, 2004
  4. Ginanatl

    Ginanatl Specialist

    Yep, a trojan! Google pulled it up here:

    Ok, AVG didn't find it so I'm trying everything else I have now... If anyone else has had experience with the Outlook Express problem (or if you check your fonts and just want to let me know whether you have these fonts) or the process/dll PLEASE post! I'll take any suggestions. I may not be able to read them until I get back on Monday, but any help is appreciated.

    Everyone have a great Mother's Day weekend!

  5. Ginanatl

    Ginanatl Specialist

    I've found out that rasautou.exe and rasauto.dlll are normal Windows' components, so I'm back to square one with the strange Outlook Express fonts. Again, I appreciate any help anyone would care to give me. I may have to just shut off my computer and deal with this Monday (don't know what a possible "nasty" will do to my puter upon starting Windows though... :rolleyes: )

    Any help or info will be greatly appreciated!


    UPDATE: Now the fonts are gone! Still, this activity is strange... I ran Anti Trojan Shield, which gave my computer a clean bill of health. There is a MS patch I have not installed, Cumulative Security Update for Outlook Express 6 Service Pack 1 (KB837009), because it cripples my Outlook Express when installed on my machine. I will admit that I have a HUGE problem understanding MS updates AND MS Knowledge Based. While Windows Update tells me I need Security Update KB837009, Knowledge Based tells me I need Security Update for Microsoft Windows (835732). Info HERE. I will leave my computer on all night and run some online scans, and will check back in the morning before I leave. Any advice appreciated and sorry the thread is so confusing. (I need sleep!)
    Last edited: May 8, 2004

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