hibernation in Windows

Discussion in 'Software' started by Rayzipan, Jan 26, 2008.

  1. Rayzipan

    Rayzipan Specialist

    Does using the hibernation feature increase the rate at which the CMOS battery is used up?

    Any input on this?

  2. Creativeballance

    Creativeballance Private First Class

    CMOS battery? Why would it use it up? The CMOS battery is only to provide minimum power to the Mother Board, so that settings stored in your bios are not erased. I personally don't ever use hibernation, as it doesn't work very well...
  3. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    Hibernation works fine, if your drivers are in good shape and support it. As mentioned, the CMOS battery provides just enough current so as to not lose your BIOS settings.
  4. Creativeballance

    Creativeballance Private First Class

    What I refered to, was that a lot of computers take a while to come out of hibernation, especially older labtops.
  5. cluu1

    cluu1 Private E-2

    I use hibernation. It's much faster than just starting up for me.

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