HID Keyboard Device Drivers won't install

Discussion in 'Software' started by jamesfg, Feb 8, 2010.

  1. jamesfg

    jamesfg Private E-2


    I have Windows XP Pro. Each time I attempt to download and install an HID Keyboard Device driver, I get a "Failed to install" message. How can I get around this?

    Microsoft is the digital signer and manufacturer of my current driver. The driver's version is 5.1.2600.5512..., and the hardware ID is


    Thank you for any guidance you can give me.
  2. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    Have you tried installing through device manager by selecting update driver?

    I found this
    This person was able to compare his registry values with someone who installed the same keyboard. That might not be possible in your case.

    Instead of the vendor ID and product ID which requires searching to uncover the device you have, please simply tell us the brand and model of the hardware causing you problems.
  3. jamesfg

    jamesfg Private E-2

    Thank you plodr. The keyboard and mouse that I am using are Loglitech's Cordless Desktop Wave set. The software that powers the Cordless Desktop Wave is Logitech's Set Point. I have not been able to get this software to work properly. For example, I am not able to set parameters like program the secondary function keys on the keyboard; I am not able to program the mouse.

    I hope that this is the information you are seeking.

    Again, thank you very miuch.

  4. jamesfg

    jamesfg Private E-2

    I have resolved the problem by removing the Logitech software and hardware from my computer and re-installing the original keyboard that came with the computer. Now, when I run the driver test, I get the message that no drivers are out of date. Also, Logitech advised me that my cordless keyboard and mouse set were defective.

    Again, thank you for your help.
  5. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    Thanks for letting us know it was a defective Logitech keyboard/mouse combo.
  6. Noone

    Noone Private E-2

    Be careful trusting a third party driver scan program. Logitech is notorious for releasing slightly modified drivers for different devices that use the same hardware ID's. Just because a driver scan program tells you there is an update available, you can't be 100% sure it's for your particular hardware.

    Use Logitech's site to get the latest driver for your hardware. I have had their tech support department tell me something is defective when it really isn't, they just say "take it back to where you bought it" so they don't have to spend time on the phone half the time.

    Something my father taught me when I was young is "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." If your keyboard and mouse are working, just use them and don't worry about a driver update unless there is some new feature you absolutely must have. Remember, with every new software update comes new bugs. Cutting edge is just that. You have the latest, good and bad.

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