hot fix Q811493

Discussion in 'Software' started by squrel, Apr 20, 2003.

  1. squrel

    squrel Private E-2

    has anyone else noticed after installing the Q811493 hotfix from the windows update site under critical updates for winxp that internet explorer and most all other programs open about 3-5 seconds slower than they would if they didnt have the hot fix installed? after i uninstall it the windows open up right after click on them but when i install the hotfix they stall, not just explorer but ive noticed it when clicking on other things too (ie: my documents).....well anyways if anyone else has noticed it and installed this hot fix, try uninstalling the hot fix and see if your explorer opens as fast as it use too. please reply if anyone finds this to be true.
  2. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    Yup, you're not the only one. Some apps take a 1/2 min. to load. If you don't have fast user switching or are the only user, then my understanding is it is no big deal and just uninstall it.

  3. exeter_acres

    exeter_acres Sergeant

    So THAT is what is doing it!!!

    Bye Bye Hotfix!!
  4. exeter_acres

    exeter_acres Sergeant

    That did it... I read on the MS site what it does... but my opinion (I KNOW NOTHING!:D and claim to know nothing!)
    is that a porperly secured computer behind a software and hardware firewall shouldn't have a prob......

    Thanks for the Heads Up!!
  5. suesman

    suesman First Sergeant

    Yes I've have noticed this too. Now how would one go about uninstalling it?
  6. exeter_acres

    exeter_acres Sergeant

    Control panel....add/remove programs... it should be in the list...then just remove it...
  7. suesman

    suesman First Sergeant

    Thnx man. Much better now.
  8. Balbanebeoulve

    Balbanebeoulve Bal. Balba. Babalabawhosemawhutsie

    Hmm is there anything important in the hotfix? Because...there may be some exploits open that are worse...but that would explain my winamp problem....
  9. Kodo


    wait til SP2. It will have this fix in it only the memory management that was modified in it will not cause this horrendous delay.
  10. Flybywyre

    Flybywyre Private E-2

    Down loaded the fix and ran the system for a day to see if it made any difference.
    YES IT DID........................NOW UNINSTALLED
    It really did make a noticable difference.
  11. goldfish

    goldfish Lt. Sushi.DC

    Did this come with SP1 or is it an update? And if its not in my Add remove then does that mean i definatley dont have it instaled?
  12. Flybywyre

    Flybywyre Private E-2

    It comes as an update and it can be removed...........
  13. goldfish

    goldfish Lt. Sushi.DC

    ah, good good. im safe then :)
  14. exeter_acres

    exeter_acres Sergeant

    I alos noticed that M$ has moved this update from critical updates to recommended..

  15. BTY

    BTY Private E-2

    when was this update available for download? Recently?

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