How can I get advertisement boxes online to work again in IE? (Please Read Below)

Discussion in 'Software' started by lilvibe69, May 26, 2006.

  1. lilvibe69

    lilvibe69 Private E-2

    Hi, whenever I go online, there are advertisements online, for some reason my computer shows a lot of them as broken links (it shows an X on the link), even when I know that they should be working because they are on my other computers.

    Here is an example: on, on the original main homepage, on the right, just above the purple headline: "In The News" there is supposed to be an advertisement, but for some reason it isn't showing up on my computer.

    Here is an example: On yahoo mail, right below the "CHECK mail" button there is supposed to be an ad, but it doesn't show it, at the bottom left of the main YAHOO MAIL homepage, there are ads below the "SEARCH SHORTCUTS" box, and my computer does not show the boxes, how can i make it work? i use internet explorer, computer is virus and ad-ware free, updates are there, and the computer is perfectly fine except for my problem above. please help. -Thanks
  2. Toni_1947

    Toni_1947 Command Sergeant Major

    Several questions:
    1.) What Firewall are you using and does it block ads?
    2.) Do you use an ad blocker?
    3.) What OS are you running?...XP SP2, ME, 98, etc.
    3.) What browser are you using? ....ooops! IE!
    Having this info will help find a solution faster

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