How can I uninstall WinMediaPlayer10 from 2003 server?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Aynatix, Sep 2, 2005.

  1. Aynatix

    Aynatix Private E-2

    How can I uninstall WinMediaPlayer10 from 2003 server?
    It came automatically with service pack 1.
    I am haveing real problems with WMP10 and now I want to get WMP9 working again, but I don't now how to do it..

    Problems with WMP10:
    It will not play video in Firefox or IE.
    When I view a video in firefox it says my WMP dynamic link library plugin has preformed and illegal operation and doesnt play.
    IE is much worse.. when viewing a video in IE it will try to load and then my browser will just close..

    It is also makeing problems for other programs like winamp. I tried to install the new version of winamp today and it said this while I was installing: "Windows Media Technology: This version of Windows Media Technologies is incompatible with this version of Windows. For more information, view the information at the Microsoft web site." :mad:

    Im hoping that if I can just get rid of WMP10 and go back to the default player (WMP9), that it would fix the problems?
    My patience with this is running quickly and I fear theres nothing im gonna be able to do but reinstall and not update to SP1 :(
  2. Mada_Milty

    Mada_Milty MajorGeek

    Open Control Panel, and double click add/remove programs. WMP may be listed there, and if it is, click change/remove and follow the prompts.
    If it is not, click Add/remove windows components. Scroll down and uncheck Windows Media Player, and click Next...folow the prompts and it should be removed.

    WMP 9 is available from Search for Media Player 9.
  3. Aynatix

    Aynatix Private E-2

    I looked and I didnt find anything for WMP10? I did see something in windows components called "Windows Media Services" but it was already unchecked?
  4. Mada_Milty

    Mada_Milty MajorGeek

    You can delete the WMP folder from the program folder (usually c:\program files), delete all shortcuts (ie desktop, start menu) and run a registry cleaner to remove WMPs registration. There's a few available for download on this site, IIRC
  5. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    I wouldn't reccomend manually ripping Windows Media Player. If Win2003 is like XP SP2, you have a check box in add/remove called "show udpates".

    Check it, and it should show. Thats how it works for me, anyway.
  6. Mada_Milty

    Mada_Milty MajorGeek

    That's a good recommendation. My method is a little short on finesse. I retract my own suggestion: this should be tried first. I had forgotten about this check box, as it's been awhile since I could be bothered with SP2.
  7. Aynatix

    Aynatix Private E-2

    Yer I have it checked to show updates, there is nothing. Its like its hiding from me! :( I think Im gonna reinstall..
  8. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    Reinstall Windows?

    You could use the repair function--it would remove Windows Media Player 10, along with any other updates you have downloaded.
  9. Aynatix

    Aynatix Private E-2

    I never new about a repair function? How do I find it? or do it?
  10. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    By booting off of the CD. Act liek youa re going to install it for the first time and instead of a partitionign screen, you should be presented with a repair screen. Its basically an upgrade over itself.
  11. Aynatix

    Aynatix Private E-2

    So it will turn everything back to like when I first installed? Will it keep my programs, settings, ect..?

    Here is some pics of where WMP10 unistall should be but isnt.


    And really quick can somebody tell me WTH a Dumprep is? I get random errors sometimes at startup and everytime I check MSCONFIG to see if anything is starting thats not supposed to be this is there? When I uncheck it the errors stop. Werd?

  12. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

  13. Aynatix

    Aynatix Private E-2

  14. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    thats what the link was regarding.

    What errors on startup are you referring to?
  15. theefool

    theefool Geekified

    This is a bit off topic, but why are you wanting to play videos on a SERVER? Also, if this is windows 2003 server, more than likely the server is blocking the ports for MMS, which is the streaming functinality of WMP. 2k3 server on default blocks just about everything.
  16. Aynatix

    Aynatix Private E-2

    Thats why I said 2003 was a hassle.. Changing all the default setting so it works as a workstation is a pain. I dont remember messing with ports tho? But I was streaming with it before something happend.
  17. Aynatix

    Aynatix Private E-2

    Nvm, Ill do as you said and see what happens.

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