How Do I Fix A Laptop That's Got Wet

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by michael robinson, Mar 23, 2017.

  1. michael robinson

    michael robinson Corporal

    How do i fix a laptop that's got wet ?
  2. Anon-9aee479f8f

    Anon-9aee479f8f Anonymized

    Wet from water or some other liquid? Did it just happen? Hopefully you immediately powered it off.
  3. mdonah

    mdonah Major Geek Extraordinaire

    AND unplugged it from the wall. What make and model is the laptop? You may be looking at rebuilding the laptop from the system board upward but, there should be a Service Manual available from the manufacturer.
  4. MaxTurner

    MaxTurner Banned

    You'd have to shake out/blow out as much wetness as you can (if it's WATER) and then use silica gel or rice to dry out the components - ie stick it open deep in a bucket of rice. But it still may well be damaged beyond anything but a full component repair.
  5. Digerati

    Digerati Major Geek Extraordinaire

    AND removed the battery.
    AND never, not even for a second, trid to turn it on to see if it works.

    And lastly, if you are lucky.

    As indicated, it depends what the liquid was, how it got wet and how wet it got - and the notebook design. If dropped in a swimming pool, you probably need to start shopping for a new notebook. If a little water got splashed on the keyboard and you immediately unplugged it, flipped it upside down and removed the battery, then you might be able to dry it out.

    Rice or silica gel desiccant can dry it out but that can take weeks - depending on how much liquid got inside.

    Removing all access covers to expose as much of the interior as possible, then placing the notebook keyboard down on a cooling rack and blasting fans across it for a couple days works best, IMO. The more you can expose the interior the better. That's what we do here.

    But that is no guarantee. Even if it was powered off when it got wet, if the battery was inserted, a component or components could be been shorted out and permanently damaged.

    If the liquid was a sugary drink, or creamed coffee or tea, it should be professionally disassembled and properly cleaned.

    If the liquid (even clean water) got between the material layers of the display screen, you may need a new display panel too. :(
    the mekanic likes this.
  6. Stephen_c16

    Stephen_c16 Master Sergeant

    I poured water over the front of desktop. Don't hurry the drying...
    Good luck,
  7. MaxTurner

    MaxTurner Banned

    Yes the whole system inside and outside must be bone dry.
    Rice (like silica gel) is extremely effective in doing that it - it absorbs moisture.
  8. ragmacaron

    ragmacaron Private E-2

  9. ownthree

    ownthree Corporal

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