How do I get a clean slate without a reformat (Vista)

Discussion in 'Software' started by arghblahargh, May 24, 2011.

  1. arghblahargh

    arghblahargh Private E-2

    I can't reformat because my cd drive is broken. I don't have Vista CD at all so I can't put it on a USB.

    Currently I have a infection problem that I will be working on before I attempt to really clean the crap out of my computer. You can see it here if you want

    But once I get that figured out, I want to get as original a vista setup as possible. There isn't a single file on my computer i care about so I'm willing to do whatever.

    Is there a way to restore things back to normal? I've never made a system restore point so I can't do that (unless there's a way to download one?)

    I'm at a loss as to what I should be asking here.. are there any tools that can be used to wipe all the BS on my computer and restore original settings? Clean out the registry, etc? Or something close to it? (really wish I could just reformat, or do a system restore thing, but I can't)

    In other words, what's the next best alternative to a reformat. I have 2 partitions and I'm willing to just straight up delete one and recreate it. But the other partition has Vista installed so that clearly won't be as easy.
  2. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    At this point with malware, no disks, restore points unusable, etc. your best option, IMHO, is to go to the manufacturer's site and see if you can purchase a recovery disk. It will load up Vista and all the drivers for your hardware. Then before you do anything else, you clean off the trialware and programs you do not want and make an image. Then start updating Vista using Windows update. After Vista is up to date and all the security programs are too, you make another image.
  3. Earthling

    Earthling Interplanetary Geek

    Did you create the second partition or has it always been there and maybe you are not too sure what's on it? I ask because there is a possibility that it's a recovery partition, and if it is then you may be able to use it to restore your computer to 'as purchased'. If any of this rings bells then let us know the make and model.
  4. arghblahargh

    arghblahargh Private E-2

    Hm, that sounds like a possible idea thank you. (Unless its tooo expensive.)

    No it was intentionally made. Both partitions are about half my entire hard drive each.
  5. arghblahargh

    arghblahargh Private E-2

    Wait, nevermind, I can't use it my cd thing is broken.
  6. abekl

    abekl First Sergeant

    Time to get a new dvd-writer for your computer. They are inexpensive.
  7. arghblahargh

    arghblahargh Private E-2

    "Inexpensive" is a relative term. :)
  8. abekl

    abekl First Sergeant

    Is $20 expensive? I hope not. If it is, then I'm sorry for your predicament
  9. arghblahargh

    arghblahargh Private E-2

    Not everyone has an income, you don't have to be sorry lol..
  10. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    If you finish your malware thread, you might not need to reformat.
  11. mcsmc

    mcsmc MajorGeek

    If you're determined to do a fresh install, I'd suggest doing the following:

    Download a Windows Vista ISO. A good clean torrent is this one (scan it yourself to be sure). You need a torrent client to download it. I suggest uTorrent.

    Download and install unetbootin, and use it to make a USB drive a bootable Windows Vista install stick. You will still need your Windows Vista product key to activate the copy.

    You will also have to download and install all of your hardware drivers (Windows finds most of them, but there are probably some you will have to find on your own. Usually, your computer manufacturer will have a driver download page for your computer model).

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