how do i post a question?

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Doll.girl, Jul 28, 2005.

  1. Doll.girl

    Doll.girl Private E-2

    i am having a problem with my display card
    any solutions
    my computer has lines accross it and the colors fade in and out
  2. Rob M.

    Rob M. First Sergeant

    How do you post a question? You could start by reading the announcement at the top of the Hardware Section postings.

    We'll need a bit more info before we can help you. That announcement will tell you a bit about what we'll need.

    BTW -- Welcome to Major Geeks!
  3. risk_reversal

    risk_reversal MajorGeek

    With all the best will in the world, it is going to be very difficult to help you with the sketchy information which you have provided. Imaging if I called you and said my car has a problem it makes this rattling noise.

    I would suggest that you provide members of this forum with more detail similar to the manner in which other posters do and then that way it will be clearer what the issue could be and possible remedial avenues proposed.

    I have only been posting on this forum for a short space of time but had read it for quite a long time prior to this. I have found this forum to have a great deal of very knowledgeable people keen to help all users.

    Good Luck
  4. Doll.girl

    Doll.girl Private E-2

    I have a compaq ME 2000 computer that we downloaded windows XP in 2003 it has been working fine until about 2 weeks ago
    recently there are lines accross screen and the colors are neon and flash in and out
    we bought a new monitor but the problem still persists
    i tried changing color display but nothing happens
    also tried starting computer in safe mode but it seems that something is wrong with the display card
    we may have to buy a new harddrive maybe we wore it out/
  5. Kodo


    This sounds like your video card is on the fritz.. though sometimes problems that look serious are not that serious.. Replacing a video card is a rather easy thing to do.

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