How many people install mods for their games?

Discussion in 'Software' started by scouse, Sep 29, 2005.

  1. scouse

    scouse Corporal

    Just a thought but i personally enjoy mods as they give whole new game play to games you may of completed more than once. So if the number is high for members installing mods, maybe a sticky would be good were members can post Mods they have found and links to them.

    I have installed about a dozen mods for jedi Academy and about the same for JK2 and a lot of them are well wrote and great game play.

    Mine are all single player mods, but there is even more for Multi Play.

    HERE IS A LIST OF COOL MODS TO LOOK AT for different games..Worth a look.
  2. Prophets21

    Prophets21 Staff Sergeant

    If we're talking mods I have to mention the king of all mods..................

    Desert Combat! :)

    This mod was considered better than the original game, Battlefield 1942 by many.

    Apparently the DC team are now making a mod for BF2. I am not playing BF2 until they release the 1.03 patch though. ;)
  3. Jerkyking

    Jerkyking Sergeant Major

    I used to try them all the time when I had time to really play. No I don't bother (or accept downloads when playing online). After awhile they tend to cause conficts and I end up having to re-install the game sooner or later. Now I just keep them upto date with the patches and I have no problems.
  4. scouse

    scouse Corporal

    Prophet i was just reading about BF mods they sound real cool.

    JerkyKing you made a real good point about conflicts, but the main way to avoid (does not always work) is do not install a persons first attempt at a Mod..I usually only install mods from reviews from users who have used them.

    But i agree mods can make some conflicts a problem..
  5. hugh750

    hugh750 MajorGeek

    :( I Used To Install Mods For The Original Half Life,But I Don't Anymore.
  6. Tripslick

    Tripslick Private E-2

    I used to grab any mod I could find and at least try it out, but as JK said eventually there would be some kind of conflict and I'd end up reinstalling. Now I look at mods, see how many people are playing them, and if there are any major problems with it. I generally have a few really good ones for each game I get though.
  7. kuku

    kuku Specialist

    It usually takes a while for a good, non-buggy mod to come out. By that time I'm already sick of the game and have moved on. :(
  8. scouse

    scouse Corporal

    I hear you Kuku but the great thing of a mod is to make the game more fun after playing over more than once. :)

    It is true though bugs are a major problem, but if you read reviews on each mod you are interested in you can find out which are good and which are buggy. I read about each mod before trying and some i stay clear of if it gets a bad post by anyone about being to buggy.
  9. Scharfshutze

    Scharfshutze Private E-2

    I mod just about any game I buy. Although thats after I've played it through 100% original. I really feel like I'm ruining it if I use mods the first time around.

    Like D00M3, The flashlight thing sucked! I'd hear noises and whip out my light to check it out and find a fat ole' zombie like an inch away from my face, so I'd have to change back to my gun to waste him. (and I dont have that quick reflexes =(

    Also alot of GOOD mods for Halflife2, like Sven Co-Op. (love running around with friends trying to glitch the maps and go places your not supposed to) Plus, running into headcrabs are fun when 2+ ppl are there alongside you!

    But like others have stated, alot of mods are REALLY buggy. Its a major + if you read what others have commented on the game.

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