How protect laptop from sniffing and other stalking actions?

Discussion in 'Malware Help - MG (A Specialist Will Reply)' started by zaforume, Nov 13, 2014.

  1. zaforume

    zaforume Private E-2

    How protect laptop from sniffing and other stalking actions. Does format hdd stop sniffing and other stalking software ? I use Win 8.1, Avast.
    How secure boot sector, i read something reletated to that , so what is your opinion?

    ""Lives in sector zero of your hard drive. As the hard drive starts to spin up, the virus is read into memory. Anything you do after this including repartition and reformat will have no effect because the virus in RAM is tagging along with you every step away. After you do all the things you did, none work, because the rogue file has attached and rewritten itself back into sector zero! happy

    this technique has been used on computers for decades inculding Atari / Commodore / Mac / PC. It's the way virus' used to work by default.

    This is why you need to boot from a safe and clean source such as a bootable OS CD, or a virus clean system floppy disk (with the tab open). By doing so, no files on the hard drive are actually in use. Because the computer is running from safe media, even though the infected boot sector has been accessed as the drive spun up, it has not been run.""
  2. chaslang

    chaslang MajorGeeks Admin - Master Malware Expert Staff Member

    Only until you possibly go online again and download/install something you shouldn't. Are you having a problem where you think someone is stealing your packets? This is very rare. Not impossible just very rare and usually you can tell when it is happening due to the performance hit a PC will take.

    Perhaps you should read thru the below:

    How to Protect yourself from malware!
  3. zaforume

    zaforume Private E-2

    I am not talking about apps trojans and so which you randomly get online but phisically installed apps over USB to stalk specific individual. Yes, packets using local wirlesss or phisically using USB. I Know its very rare but what is potection against it ? Why do you think it is related to pc performance? When scamm stalk they just once have to take few kb of data passwords and nicknames.

    I think that is hardest potection since stalking software is directly installed or/and pc settings are set to make stalking connection. What do you think what setting are needed to be checked to be safe from that?
  4. chaslang

    chaslang MajorGeeks Admin - Master Malware Expert Staff Member

    I'm having a problem understanding what you are trying to ask. There are no packets to sniff/steal on a USB port. This is not a networking interface where things are transferred using IP packets. A USB port is a physical drive connection which you transfer files over and thus is subject to the same kinds of issues that any internal drive can suffer related to malware.

    Yes your wireless interface could be sniffed either externally or internally. External sniffing could occur if you do not encrypt/protect your wireless network and leave it open. Internally is you have installed malware that logs packets (common called information stealers ) then yes something could be sniffing your packets that are going out of the network interface to your ISP. If you install proper protection as stated in the How To Protect link I gave you then you have gone a long way towards protecting against this especially if you follow all the other guidelines given.

    I did not say it is related to performance but rather that it will impact performance because everything coming and going out your network interface would be going thru the "sniffing" software first so most people would notice a performance change.

    Again refer to How to Protect yourself from malware!
  5. zaforume

    zaforume Private E-2

    I am not clear completly bcs i dont write or speak English often. Sorry:).

    Ok , so you are saying protection of internaly sniffing is the sam as it is against malwares installed during browsing on Internet ? At internal sniffing i understand stealing data using local wireless ( victim laptop is connecten on local wirelss network of stealer )

    You claim that doesnt exist data stealing with usb ? Are you sure ? I disagree, I think USB which is set to autorun can take from specific folder passwords nicknames... That is perfect way to get data if stealer doesnt want leave tracks.

    My question is, can such softwares survive hdd format bcs , i noticed when i make first OS instalation on brand new laptop IExplorer doesnt recognize anything, i mean Bing Search engine doesnt suggest any meaningful interets to user when he start writes a word what is not case when you have second fresh instalation of OS Windows.

    I think there is possiblity that malware software can survive as it survives such data(bing data). What about "restore sectors " on hdd , is it possible there install malware which wont be affected by hdd formating ??
  6. chaslang

    chaslang MajorGeeks Admin - Master Malware Expert Staff Member

    This would not be sniffing of IP packets. You are talking about a program being run when you plugin a USB device. And then this program would be running in memory and would be attempting to steal information ( called trojans, information strealers...etc ). The link I gave you covers this. And in addition, the below step was even provided

    8) Disable the AutoRuns Feature used to spread malware

    No. An infection in the MBR or a partition infection could survive a format and would require deleting and then recreating partitions before formatting. But these have nothing to do with autorun programs. Also not that autorun.inf files are also used by many valid programs and installers.

    Because you have erased all of your history information when you format the PC. This is normal.

    System Restore only remains if you just cleanup malware and do not do a format. All of our cleaning processes provide instructions at the end of cleaning to remove restore points so that no infected restore points remain. System Restore does not survive a format.

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