How to calculate how much RAM a video resolution uses

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by majinbuu, Oct 16, 2007.

  1. majinbuu

    majinbuu Specialist


    I know there was a simple formula to determine how much RAM a certain screen resolution uses. For example 1024x768 in 32 bit colour could be shown to use a certain amount of video ram. Can anyone help me on this?

  2. Colemanguy

    Colemanguy MajorGeek

    But wouldn't a display with full millions of colors at x resolution still use more then a solid white or black screen at same x resolution? Don't really believe thats a valid formula.
  3. majinbuu

    majinbuu Specialist

    It's a laptop with integrated gfx, so it shares it's RAM with system RAM. I am trying to allocate as little RAM as possible to gfx to free up more for the system but still keep a 1024x768x32 resolution.
  4. Colemanguy

    Colemanguy MajorGeek

    Well in my opinon your going about it in the wrong way, just set it at 32 for the video if you can, thats plently if your not gaming, gaming, well thats another story.
  5. majinbuu

    majinbuu Specialist

    well I have been running it at 8 for the last few years and have had no problems. It gets used to play divx, emulators and general internet browsing. I think in my case 32 is too much.
  6. prometheos

    prometheos Staff Sergeant

    For non-accelerated graphics, like VGA, the current display buffer at a resolution of 1024x768 pixels requires;

    @8-bit colour depth = 786,432 bytes
    @16-bit = 1,572,864 bytes
    @24-bit = 2,359,296 bytes
    @32-bit = 3,145,728 bytes

    Double these numbers if you have a GPU that uses a build buffer (next frame) as well as a display buffer.

    If a program that you are running uses accelerated graphics as in DirectX graphics, you may be able to run some programs with as little as an extra 4 MBytes.
  7. Colemanguy

    Colemanguy MajorGeek

    Then go with 8 if it works for you.

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