How to connect Analog tv to VGA/DVI graphic card?

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by rickstermar555, Dec 10, 2010.

  1. rickstermar555

    rickstermar555 Private E-2

    Hi all

    I have an analog TV with component & composite, but my graphic card only has a DVI and VGA output. I just bought this card 9400GT Geforce and it doesn't have S-Video. 9400gt


    From researching, I can possibly use a component video transcoder, but I just want to make sure be before I make a purchase and if there are any other options for me. This graphic card will support component output.

    I want to use either component or RCA (white, yellow, red) cables.

    Here is how the back of my TV looks like.


    So..what is the best and cheapest option for me? Thanks.

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