How to download and transfer programs from Thumb Drive

Discussion in 'Software' started by gkdockery, Sep 14, 2013.

  1. gkdockery

    gkdockery Private E-2

    Hi, I am not able to get fast internet at my rural home yet so I have dial-up and it is very slow. When I have to download a program like antivirus etc. it literally takes days. I took a thumb drive to my daughter's house and downloaded a program from her computer which has fast internet...brought it home and evidently it was only the installer and it stated that it was downloading the program which would take 3 days. Is there anyway or place where I can download programs like Avast or Chrome etc. at her home and bring it home and install it on my Windows 7 computer?
    I would truly appreciate any help. The last time I had to download a program it took 3 days and nights and another 2 days to update it.
    Thanks in advance for your help.
  2. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    You probably have a desktop computer. Even if that is the case, take the computer to your daughter's house, connect it to her network and install what needs to be done.
    I've done this quite a few times for seniors on dialup. I dragged computers to my house, used my keyboard, mouse and monitor. Connected the computer to my network and did updating.

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