How to find a Folder??

Discussion in 'Software' started by grc123, Apr 11, 2012.

  1. grc123

    grc123 MajorGeek

    This has GOT to be the MOST STUPID question I've ever asked here, but anyway, here goes:

    I went to this site/page:

    I ran cmd as admin

    It Observed and Analyzed (see screenshot please)

    Now I cannot find this "Report" (and yes, I did enable "Show Hidden Files/Folders").

    Any help here is appreciated ... ?!? :confused :-o :confused

    Attached Files:

  2. tgell

    tgell Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Did you create the Folder "Test" first? It looks like the report failed because it could not find a folder called "Test".
  3. mjnc

    mjnc MajorGeek

    Hi grc123.

    What you entered at the command prompt is simply the path and file name.

    The command processor is trying to Run that as if it were an Executable file, which it is not.

    First try this:
    cd c:\test
    Then enter:
    You should then see the file.

    Just Open Windows Explorer (or My Computer), select the C: driver and Expand that list.
    Then see if there is a folder named \Test
    If so, select that folder and then double click on the Energy_Report.html file name.
    That should launch your default web browser and display the file.

    If you do Not see the C:\Test folder, try navigating to
    and see if the \Test folder is there.
  4. grc123

    grc123 MajorGeek

    Hello and thanks to you both...

    Short answer is: "I'm not exactly sure", to your questions.

    To tgell, I'm "pretty sure" I did (?).

    And mjnc, I only ran that cmd prompt search seen in my first screenshot when all else had failed ... I "looked" into and through "places", but often confused when told to "go" or "navigate" to places..

    I have two more screenshots now, to see if either of these are getting me close to finding this "folder".

    PS ~ The first time I tried to create the folder, I somehow ended-up renaming my "C:" (drive?) as "C:\Test\Energy_Report.html"

    (I apologize for this..under a tremendous amount of stress currently, and am not thinking particularly clear, at all).

    Attached Files:

  5. _nullptr

    _nullptr Major Geeky Geek Geek

    The problem is exactly as tgell suggested, the report was not created because there was no test directory.
    You'll need to create the test directory at the root of your C drive then from an elevated cmd prompt enter:
    powercfg -energy -output c:\test\power_report.html
  6. grc123

    grc123 MajorGeek

    Well it worked just as you all said it would..thank you all . . . now, the report doesn't seem to provide any suggestions on how I might proceed to correct the problems it found, but I "did" get the (rather ominous) "report"...:confused

    Thanks again, all...

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