how to make a boot cd (with austrumi)/crack the xp login

Discussion in 'Software' started by Mr Bananas, May 29, 2006.

  1. Mr Bananas

    Mr Bananas Private E-2

    just been given a laptop by work, & want to crack the windows admin password so i can play games and use it as i wish,
    have tried but it doesnt work for some reason? (although comes up with a user name & password). It uses xp pro, I have only the log in for a limited account.
    So i was lead to austrumi, a linux program thingy, and needed to make a boot cd, so did this using nero 6 & the make boot iso option, problem is the screen just goes blank on the laptop when switched on with the cd.
    Is there an easy way to make a boot cd from an iso file or to crack the xp admin password/user name?
    thanks for any input
    mr Bananas

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