How to re-install Windows Media Player

Discussion in 'Software' started by mark59, Jun 14, 2012.

  1. mark59

    mark59 MajorGeek

    Is it possible to re-install Windows Media Player in Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium Service Pack 2? I know it can be re-installed on Windows 7. I've tried applying the principles to Vista but Windows Media Player isn't listed under Windows Features in Vista.
  2. tgell

    tgell Major Geek Extraordinaire

  3. mark59

    mark59 MajorGeek

    No, it's not in the list. I've attached a screen print to show the list.

    Attached Files:

  4. tgell

    tgell Major Geek Extraordinaire

  5. mark59

    mark59 MajorGeek

    Yes, Media Player is there. However, when I click on Media Player, Media Player does not pen.

    I tried this and set Media Player as the default programme however there's still nothing happenig: Media Player won't open.
  6. tgell

    tgell Major Geek Extraordinaire

  7. mark59

    mark59 MajorGeek

    I will give that a go.

    I could but I don't remember when it last worked. I'm also unsure as to what a System Restore would do, i.e. would I lose things from my PC that were installed or updated since that time?
  8. tgell

    tgell Major Geek Extraordinaire

    If you cannot remember when it happened, best not to do a system restore. It does keep your files and settings but if you put things on the desktop after a restore point, those will be gone. And any programs installed after a restore point would be non-functional.
  9. mark59

    mark59 MajorGeek

    I won't need to do a system restore. The Microsoft Fixit it worked. Thank you!
  10. tgell

    tgell Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Glad it worked for you. Thanks for the feedback. :)

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